Bulgarian Institutions Are Already Working on Brexit Plan Without a Deal – If only the UK would do the same! | Rainmaker - An International Defence & Security Network
The Council of Ministers adopted a report on the implementation of the Action Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU without agreement. Preparations for Brexit without an agreement are on two levels: the EU and national institutions.
At the EU level, 19 legislative proposals covering the most urgent measures to address the immediate consequences of Brexit without agreement have been made. They will allow visa-free travel to and from the United Kingdom, coordination of social security systems, transport links and the EU budget.
At the national level, the competent authorities have made significant progress on the implementation of the Non-Transaction Action Plan. Legislative changes have been made to the Foreigners Act in the Republic of Bulgaria, educational activities have been carried out for the administration, information messages have been sent to the persons trading with the United Kingdom.
Bulgarian institutions already have separate sections on their sites dedicated to Brexit, to inform stakeholders about changes in the sector. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a section in which information about Bulgarian citizens and companies is published.
The site also has an English section for British citizens living in Bulgaria. A number of other institutions publish useful information from their competence.